Outpatient Therapy

For many years, CCHD has offered a outpatient rehabilitative program focusing on children with genetic, developmental and social disorders through speech and occupational therapies. Our program is unique from most in that we provide therapy in a variety of locations designed to best meets the child's needs. Services can be provided in our office, at home or in a community setting with insurance approval. Most insurance plans are accepted.

Speech Therapy:

CCHD provides speech therapy, focusing on children, to address: Expressive and Receptive Language, Speech and Language, Developmental Milestones, Articulation/Intelligibility, Speech Fluency, Pragmatics and Social Skills, Literacy and Vocabulary, Apraxia of Speech, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Feeding and Oral Motor.

Occupational Therapy:

Do you have a child that needs occupational therapy? We offer services that address Sensory Processing Disorder, Balance/Coordination/Strength/Endurance, Fine Motor and Handwriting, Visual- Motor Integration, Play and Social Skills, Feeding and Oral Motor Skills, Self-Care, Academic and Cognitive Skills, Behavioral Difficulties, Developmental Delays.

For more information, contact our outpatient therapy program at 859-744-1488