Important Links
American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the ACS has state divisions and more than 3,400 local offices.
Center for Disease Control
Emergency Preparedness and Response website, sponsored by the Center for Disease Control.
Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 - "HIPAA"
The first-ever federal privacy standards to protect patients' medical records and other health information provided to health plans, doctors, hospitals and other health care providers took effect on April 14, 2003. Developed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), these new standards provide patients with access to their medical records and more control over how their personal health information is used and disclosed. They represent a uniform, federal floor of privacy protections for consumers across the country. State laws providing additional protections to consumers are not affected by this new rule.
Kentucky Folic Acid Partnership
As of January 2004, the Kentucky Folic Acid Partnership has 75 individual members representing 66 agencies, organizations, and businesses. Between July 2000 and December 2003, there have been a total of 1,171 activities that reached over 1,080,880 participants (not counting media audiences) statewide. Changes in the rates of neural tube defects as well as knowledge and consumption of folic acid are represented . From July 2000 through June 2003, Local Health Departments have provided 200,452 women with folic acid supplementation and counseling/education.
KY Cabinet for Health Services
The Cabinet for Health Services is the state government agency that administers programs to promote the mental and physical health of Kentuckians.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Car Seat Recalls
For your family's safety, check out this website to see if you're using a car seat which has been recalled by the NHTSA. The recall information includes vehicle and equipment campaigns from 1966 to present. The campaigns include motor vehicle products which experienced a safety-related defect or did not comply with federal motor vehicle safety standards.
The City of Winchester
The home page of Winchester, Kentucky and Clark County.
US Department of Health & Human Services
This national website is a concise source of information regarding diseases and conditions, safety and wellness, drug and food information, disasters and emergencies, families and children, aging, and resource locators.